As we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., I am captivated by the driving force behind all that he believed in.   I see the following words on repeat, with each beat of his heart.   






Today my blog post is simple.  I invite you to read his famous speech, “I have a Dream”.  Perhaps ponder how you can take his example back into your own relationships, work settings, and home.   In your own circle of influence, how do you want to make this world a better place?

He didn’t just think about his ‘dream’, he lived it.   He connected with people, he taught, spoke, served, and most importantly was PRESENT.  He said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”  Look at the way he used loved as a tool and shunned the weapon of hate.   Martin Luther King, Jr. chose peace over war.  Inclusion vs. exclusion and the list goes on.  He had an abundance mindset!  He pushed through limiting thoughts and instead of trying to destroy, he strived to create!  He brought to life more love, hope, unity, equality, and true freedom on this earth.

I honor Dr. King today and am grateful for his passionate example.  I enjoyed taking time to read his speech, instead of hearing a 20 second sound bite.  His words remind me that where there is hope, there is the Light of Christ.  Where there is peace, the ‘Author’ of it is always with us.  The Savior has said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).

ACTION OPPORTUNITY:  Ponder on how you can create more love, hope, unity, equality, and true freedom and then write up your Dream!