Seasons Greetings!
When I was young Christmas-day-anticipation was real! I can remember hoping for toys and dolls to play with, looking through magazines, and just having wish upon wish of what might be wrapped up for me when Christmas day finally arrived. I was certain Rudolph would help Santa find my house and that I would not be forgotten. On December 24th I would go outside and look into the night sky to see if I could spy a blinking red light before going to sleep. The thought of being on Santa’s naughty list was a threat to my childhood joy and made it kind of hard to sleep on Christmas Eve. Was I good enough this year? Would there be any presents for me? See, I could sense all the times I took myself off the nice list between seasons. My siblings even noticed and during the December countdown I remember hearing, “You’re going to be on the naughty list if you don’t be good!” Early childhood guilt happening right there.
It’s laughable now but their efforts worked to some degree because it did help me understand that I could change the way I acted, just by making a simple choice. If I really wanted to, I really could be ‘nice’. I was highly motivated to be in Santa’s good grace and tried so hard. I’m certain in my young mind I decided that if Santa had a naughty list God must have one too and I was determined to stay off of it. But life is life, and choices are choices, and some days I’m sure I’ve made it on the proverbial naughty list as I was trying to figure out the gift of agency.
May we remember, our omniscient Heavenly Father simply knows when we’ve stepped away from Him and already made provisions available for those moments. He doesn’t need a ‘list’ because he sees us from the beginning to the end. He sees all of our potential all at once and that is reason to hope. He gave us the gift of His Son, that no matter how good or bad we are, His love is constant and our value never changes. When we are ready to simply change and become better not only does the Savior help us overcome sin and death, but everything in between.
As the years have passed by, my understanding of both Santa and God has changed. The first was a type and shadow of the other. The second, a Constant Creator of gifts and blessings to share for all eternity. Perhaps this Dec. 24th you can go outside and look into the expanse of heaven and consider that Christ did not forget you. He already paid the price so you could feel His love, presence, and use the gift of His atoning sacrifice in ways big and small.
Action Opportunity: Pause the guilt trigger and ask God what HE loves about YOU this Christmas. Remember ‘Christmas really is the day that holds all time together.’; (Alexander Smith) our past, present, and our future and is tied to the One who was born in a manger.
“Thanks be unto God for this unspeakable gift.” 2 Cor 9:15
All my best,